Cut Tari

Cut Tari
Cut Tari. June 8, 2010, Cut Tari tripped on its side with the circulation of news-like video herself and Ariel (Peterpan). According to experts, telecommunications, Abhimanyu Wachjoewidajat, video is recorded for a duration of 8 minutes using a good quality HP about the period of 2006. The circulation of video cut tari make her career in danger. On the same day the Department of Marketing and Public Relations TransTV, A. Hadiansyah Lubis, decided to rest my INSERT cut tari as a presenter and also other programs that exist under TransCorp. Cut tari also failed to host the event Gathering Note The Boy who planned to be brought along with Farhan for the case with Ariel Peterpan pornonya video. On June 14, 2010, cut tari meets Bareskrim call the Police relating to the same case. cut tari comes accompanied with her devoted husband, Joseph, Subrata. In this examination, the artist was bloody Aceh examined as a witness. Her career as an advertising star came to an end products Cove, with termination of employment and contracts of the parties Mandom Indonesia. Dancing contract should end in September 2010, but due to the bitter news about her, must be willing to terminate her contract cut tari accelerated.

Cut Tari Profile

Cut Tari Aminah Anasya
Jakarta, November 1, 1977

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Cut Tari Twitter : none

Cut Tari Photos (pictures)

Cut Tari Cut Tari Cut Tari Cut Tari

Cut Tari Video

Cut tari video was removed

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